NumBlast is a puzzle game that follows the story of Aoyama and Akasaka, two Japanese students who find a cubic artifact called the NumBlast. Whilst running experiments on the artifact, Aoyama accidentally causes the artifact to give off a magical explosion, which turns Akasaka into a monkey.
They now have to turn Akasaka back into a human by solving the NumBlast puzzles.
Gameplay revolves around using a playing board filled with numbers and changing the positions of the numbers to make a group of four numbers in a 2x2 square, resulting in the numbers exploding, the ultimate goal being to clear the board of numbers.
There are 3 modes of play you can choose: Endless (detonating numbers until the board is clear), Time Trial Mode (gives you 3 minutes to get the highest possible score) and Puzzle Mode (which challenges you to complete the board within a limited number of rotations).