Bomberman Story DS is a spin-off from the main Bomberman series, being an action RPG with puzzle elements to it, in the likes of Zelda games. Some of the RPG elements include having a life bar to take into consideration, and having free movement on the map instead of being tied to the usual grid. This allows for greater exploration of the set, which is important as items can be found and used to increase Bomberman’s prowess (such as power ups or equipment). Bomberman can also level-up, as is common in RPGs.
A special feature of this game is its ability to connect with other Bomberman games (like Bomberman 2 for instance) in multiplayer mode. Just as its name implies, unlike usual Bomberman titles, this one features a storyline, depicting Bomberman as an agent on a mission to recover stolen data from a certain group of wrongdoers.
Game files information
Torrent name:
Bomberman Story DS (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Files size:
File list:
/Bomberman Story DS (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)/Bomberman Story DS (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).zip