In this sequel to Bomberman for the DS, the eponymous character takes on the role of an anti-virus program, his goal being to eliminate the infection spreading through the technologically advanced Grid City. This sci-fi/cyberspace setting is quite different from usual Bomberman games.
In Bomberman 2, the player has access to both Mission Mode (single player) and Battle Mode (classic multiplayer). In addition, there is a custom multiplayer mode, allowing for Bomberman customization in fighting other players (no CPU allowed in this mode).
Like usual in Bomberman games, the player can acquire several power up items – though the catch with this title is that Bomberman can actually be equipped with several body parts that are scattered throughout the levels, which through an implemented leveling system, make the character more powerful over time. This addition brings a twist to the revisited Bomberman gameplay, opening space for more strategic decisions.