This is a story-driven console-style RPG, and is the first in the three game Shining series for the Genesis (followed by Shining Force and Shining Force II). The Kingdom of Thornwood has been invaded by Dark Sol's men, and it is your job to vanquish them. You will need the Arms of Light to do this.
The game is a first person RPG, with turn-based combat and cartoony graphics. The dialogue is displayed via dialog bubbles appearing above the characters speaking, although the protagonist never speaks. There are no sub-quests - the secrets in the game involve the location and use of special metal for forging esoteric items. There are about 25 to 30 hours of gameplay to be found here, before the final battle and ending sequence.
Game files information
Torrent name:
Shining in the Darkness (USA, Europe)
Files size:
File list:
/Shining in the Darkness (USA, Europe)/Shining in the Darkness (USA, Europe).zip